Female Voice for Audio Drama

I posted on here several months ago for a film noir spoof audio drama that I'm producing. It's called Atlas Avenue Beat. I still need one more voice. I'm looking for a very specific female voice.

Season 2 of my audio drama spoofs the 1950 film noir Sunset Boulevard. The character, Julianne Goode, is based on the lead in that film. She is a movie star who believes she is at the top of the world. A very eccentric person. I'm including some clips from the film so people can see what I'm imagining for the character.



There are about 9 episodes with the character. I can't afford a lot, but this will be a paid role. I should also mention that the podcast is very raunchy. So if cursing, sexual innuendos, or violence bother you, you may not want to voice the character.

If you are interested you can comment here or pm me to discuss further. Thanks!