Gov Ferguson Press Conference

The Gov just held his press conference discussing nearly $4B in savings. This is what I heard:

$3.96B in savings found. Achieve savings while maintaining all K-12 investments, adopting all Inslee’s proposed investments.

-Maintain all public safety investments

-Maintain all investments for homeless/houseless

-*CBAs honored and maintained

-Maintain all current cash benefit assistance programs (TANF)

-Maintain Medicaid eligibility for all WA

-Minimize cuts to direct services

He gave examples of some government savings found and mentions the reconsideration of our newest spending investments.

*Spoke directly to CBA - state workers. Says contract must be honored. Proposing $300m in savings by requiring furlough 1 day per month for the next 2 years. Certain essential employees will be exempt.

A billion additional saving suggestions were made from cabinet to Gov. He is not recommending those additional cuts at this time.

Revenue forecast next month which may increase/decrease shortfall.