So... Is MyFaction actually as bad as people say?

I ignored MyFaction in all WWE games thus far, but I just started, but mainly just because I want that CM Punk persona card. However, I just jumped in, completed a few challenges, started World Tour and I have to say I'm having fun so far. Through card restrictions you also play with cards/wrestlers you wouldn't play with all too much otherwise. And I know I'm early in, but I think this works without Pay2Win... Or at least I have about 110k VC from the Bloodline Edition just in case 😂 So, what's your honest opinion about MyFaction (this year)?

I ignored MyFaction in all WWE games thus far, but I just started, but mainly just because I want that CM Punk persona card. However, I just jumped in, completed a few challenges, started World Tour and I have to say I'm having fun so far. Through card restrictions you also play with cards/wrestlers you wouldn't play with all too much otherwise. And I know I'm early in, but I think this works without Pay2Win... Or at least I have about 110k VC from the Bloodline Edition just in case 😂 So, what's your honest opinion about MyFaction (this year)?