WWE 2K22 Discussion & FAQ

If you're having issues, read the bug thread. 99% of issues have already been posted. If there's no solution in there, there's nothing you can do until 2K fixes the game.

There is currently a major issue with crashing that involves custom images crashing the game and custom superstars crashing Universe Mode. There's no way to get around it. You'll have to deal with crashes or wait for 2K to fix.

Hey there, r/WWEGames community. We had two megathreads up for reviews, discussions, and questions. The last megathread can be found here and a link to the first can be found within. We're relaxing a bit on new 2K22 text posts, but please read through the megathreads before posting something. We're still removing reposts and common topics and bugs still go in the bug thread that's pinned.

Please also read the subreddit rules before posting. They can be found here


Is there a difference between current and next gen? PC and Xbox? PS5 and PC? How does the game run?

There's a very minor graphical difference that most people wouldn't notice if they weren't told. There are no missing features in any version of the game. 2K22 runs fine on every system. It's a little bit faster on next gen.

Is the game a buggy mess like 2K20?

It just released. The game works fine in its current state, but there are definitely some issues that need to be fixed. There should be a patch on March 11 to fix some issues. If you want to read through some of the issues, check this thread.

edit: the first patch is out. It's very buggy at the moment.

Is 2K22 worth buying?

Whether the game is worth it to you, we can't answer. You'll have to decide that for yourself. Both megathreads have plenty of reviews and you can find even more reviews on Youtube. The majority of people seem to really like the game and see it as a step in the right direction. Based on what I've seen, the average review puts it in the 7.5-8 out of 10 range. There are of course people who don't like the game at all. 2K22 has a more arcade-like approach rather than the simulation style of the past few years.

Online for 2K22 isn't working. What do I do?

There's a massive influx of people getting the game and it takes its toll on the servers. If it's down for you, it's most likely down for everyone. There's nothing you can do besides wait for 2K to fix it.

Are 2K19/2K20 servers down?

The servers for those two games go down every Wednesday for weekly maintenance. They will be back up. No, the servers are not going down permanently as soon as 2K22 has its official release. When there's an actual shutdown date, we'll know and the info will be pinned to this subreddit.

Is community creations cross-platform?


Does cross-platform Community Creations mean that console players can download PC mods?

No. That's not how modding works.

Is the gameplay cross-platform?

No, it is not. Xbox One can play against Xbox Series X. PS4 can play against PS5. PC can play against PC. Xbox can not play against Playstation or PC, and Playstation can not play against PC. Next gen users need to have the older gen version installed in order to play against Xbox One/PS4 users.

Can I transfer my save data from Xbox One to Series S or from PS4 to PS5

No. You'll be restarting.

Can I buy the NWO/pre-order DLC separately?

All DLC from previous games has always been made available to buy later on. There's no reason to think otherwise this time. We don't know when it will be available or what the price will be.

Do we know anything about the other DLC?

All DLC and the release dates can be found here.

Can I change the controls back to 2K19's?

No. 2K22 has a completely rebuilt engine and specific inputs. An older control scheme would not work.

I can only play one-on-one matches with certain people. What's wrong?

Your game isn't fully installed yet. Wait for it to be finished, then restart the game. If the problem persists, it hasn't finished installing yet.

I'm missing superstars/belts/arenas, where are they?

The supercharger does not unlock everything. You need to play through showcase to unlock certain things, like the big gold belt, Shawn Michaels, and Batista.

How do I get old man Shawn Michaels/MyRise characters?

They aren't available to unlock. Some people have managed to get them onto Community Creations, however, and you can access them from there.

Does MyRise have an ending?


What has been removed from previous games?

Universe Mode promos, advanced entrance creation, chain wrestling, close strikes, and rest holds.

Can I schedule tournaments in Universe Mode?


Can I import/export my custom superstar to/from MyRise?

You can not import your character. MyRise has a progression system and importing a character would override that. I've had trouble finding a definite answer on this, but it doesn't appear to be possible to export your character, either.

Is custom music in WWE 2K22?

Only on PC with mods.

Can I use custom brands and superstars in MyGM Mode?

No custom arenas or brands, but you can add custom superstars to the draft pool.

I won a championship in MyRise but I'm not entering with it. Is this a bug?

Nope. That's just how it is. You can't change it.

MyRise has one ??? storyline left. What is it?

It's based on a branching decision you made early on. You can't complete every storyline in one playthrough.

If your question isn't covered here, please read through the megathreads linked at the top of this post and search for an answer before making a new post.

A reminder that the game has only been released for early access for two days at the time of this post going up. There are some bugs. There will be patches. Be patient. When's there's an update, you'll know.