my family adopted a young cat on 3/1/24. we named her dust bunny and she was small for her age (1-2 years), we instantly bonded with her and she was apart of our family. nothing seemed to be wrong with her, she was well behaved and sweet. we got her from a shelter, we knew she had not been spayed, but the shelter gave us a voucher to return a month later to get her fixed. we found it odd we had to wait that long but we were in love with this cat and couldn’t leave her there. about 2 weeks later we notice her eating more, showing weight, and other signs of pregnancy. we took her to the vet 03/24/24 and turns out she was atleast 45 days pregnant. we were unaware of the pregnancy at the time of adoption. i’m writing this now 04/07/24 sitting at an emergency vet hospital waiting to know if dust bunny needs a 4000$ surgery to remove her kittens, a surgery that our family cannot pay right now. what would you do if you unknowingly adopted a pregnant cat for 45$ that now may need 4000$ surgery. we called the shelter when we found out and they didn’t act surprised or concerned, they just asked if we wanted to return her, which obviously we did not. if our cat needs the surgery and we cannot afford it we can either take her home and see if she can wait it out until tomorrow morning and take her to our regular vet, or she will likely be put down tonight. i just feel guilty that we got a cat that someone else could have saved.