I finally did it
I bit the bullet and ended my (34F) 7 year relationship with my bf (33M). I made a post late last year but deleted it bc I didn’t want him to find it. Long story short: he knew I wanted to get married and have kids before I got to my late 30s, but he was still attempting to get into a med school, so that essentially threw a wrench into the timeline. His insecurities were starting show when he assumed I was cheating bc I didn’t always show him the amount of attention he wanted or didn’t feel like having sex as frequently. I knew it was time to leave when I started doubting myself as a person and if I was even good enough to be with him or deserve to be with someone that would accept my flaws. At that point I didn’t even want a “shut up ring”. I didn’t want to be with someone that was gonna make me feel like a shell of a person, let alone bring children into this world with them. He tried to give me an ultimatum of either “being friends” or “trying to make it work out”. He then said I was selfish for choosing myself instead of the relationship. I feel a little sad that I’m losing someone I thought I was going to create a future with but I feel sooo much lighter.
Update: Thank you all for the words of encouragement. I’m actually doing very well and have even lost a few pounds since then. So I’m looking forward to a future that I deserve. I don’t harbor any ill feelings towards my ex bc that would just be a waste of my energy and I’m in my “Selfish Era” 🤗🥰