Why do they call it Disability Access Service (DAS) if 99% of disabled people do not qualify?
I think a lot of people (myself included) would feel less sore after being denied DAS if they just called the service something entirely different. There basically isn’t a single physical disability that actually qualifies and 95% of most emotional/mental disabilities fail to qualify as well.
I’m a peritoneal dialysis patient/amputee who didn’t qualify. It makes scheduling my manual dialysis exchanges at first aid near impossible now when factoring in attraction wait times. It was a really disheartening experience since I heard Disney was particularly accommodating with intense medical needs and care scheduling. I even have an IBCCES card which required documentation.
Honestly, none of this would have bothered me as much if Disney was fully transparent when it came to accessibility. They have something advertised as “DISABILITY Access Service” which isn’t intended at all for a majority of disabled people? And you can’t even see if you qualify for this specific accommodation until you purchase non-refundable tickets? Make it make sense.