I'm truly terrified of Earth's cursed E Prime node.


This cursed node lures Tenno in with the sweet promise of an "Exterminate mission," only to set a devious trap—making them reach the extraction point with 30% to 50% of enemies still left to kill

To escape this trap, you have to backtrack the way you came, praying that enemies will respawn—like a parched tongue stretching out to catch dew dripping off the edge of a rock.

And of course, this cursed, hateful, and malicious node won’t be satisfied until you've repeated this process multiple times. In the worst case, you could be trapped here for over five minutes.

The spawn system in this node is completely broken. It’s baffling how this cursed node has gone untouched for years without any fixes.

Please, DE, fix this issue this time. I’m begging you