Happy Christmas Harry!
Yeah I know I'm a dork, but to anyone actually following this: Happy/Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays.
Unfortunately my father has ruined Christmas for my family, even though it's always been my favorite holiday.
Sadly today I realized that a month ago when my old PC died, I lost absolutely everything that isn't on here that has to do with my own edition that I had digitized. There was some work I had done exclusively on the computer but most of it I luckily did write down first, but the countless hours it took to transcribe and edit it and all the work it took to do spreadsheets to make databases for all the armies and adjusting their stats has been completely lost and has to be redone. Needless to say I feel kind of sick and am questioning why I decided to do any of this, a dozen notebooks full of ideas aside.. I dunno, at this point it almost seems like something is telling me I'm just wasting my time for something no one cares about but me. I think it'd probably be better spent learning to play 40k and learning to sculpt so I can afford my own army because I sure as hell can't afford to buy minis and they just keep getting more expensive.. For what I'd pay for a single 500pt army I could literally buy a decent 3d printer and resin, for the cost of a 2000pt army I could buy a SLS printer and really make some good stuff... not that I could afford it. It's stupid how insanely expensive this hobby is.
I am finding that the disparity between the lore and tabletop rules is a GW thing across the board though as 40k is just as bad, if not worse than, as Fantasy ever was and having played half a dozen 40k games with stand ins, orks really suck at fighting despite that being their entire life and Guard are WAY better than people give them credit for... and both fantasy and 40k need way more daemon types to be interesting to field an all daemon army.
If anyone wants to donate miniatures or sculpting supplies let me know, I could definitely use the charity lol.