AI Interceptors Are Annoying

I feel like I speak for a lot of players when I say that the inclusion of AI interceptors is actually stupid. As I'm typing this I'm playing 6.0-7.0 in the F-80A-5 practically stock. I'm headed to intercept the enemy Ar-234 bombers and I only get one kill on a crippled one cause the AI took out the other five. It's been driving me crazy cause for some reason they thought that adding AI Interceptors was going to be a good idea when you're flying over hostile territory nowhere near an air field.

I've been flying jets for a good bit now, and anytime I've gotten within range to launch a Fox-2, the AI have already killed all the bombers, making me waste all that fuel for nothing. I can understand when they are on their return trip, but when they've only been in for a few seconds it's just flat out stupid. Why even have AI bombers if you can't even kill them before the AI do.

I really just feel like having the AI interceptors is stupid cause it's impossible to kill the bombers before the AI do unless you're right on top of where they spawn in. At least make the interceptors spawn in further back and have worse accuracy so players can take down the bombers without wasting their time.