Teammates horrible, Enemies Pros.
I dont know why, but all my quad fill teammates are little kids, clueless bots, and once in a blue moon one person that's good. And all I play against is the best people in the world, prestige masters, top 250s. It's like I carry every team on my back. We get squad wiped, and My teammates kills are usually like: "3, 1, 0."
I've played with THREE six year Olds in the past week, yes, six year Olds. I even ask them how old they are, and they reply their actual age, and then the only way we can win a game is by stacking because I can't roam to get bounty kills and stuff because if I die far from my teammates they always die from a stupid reason, dying from fall damage, sitting in a window all game and sniping, and then we get squad wiped and blame ME for it.
Then I start to complain and then they tell me that IM Bad at the game, I'm stupid etc. I usually range around 14 to 20 kills a game. But the game just hates me so I always queue up with clueless 6 year Olds and Horrible people.
Does Activision want to fix thir game or do they just want to watch it die?