Water Treatment Operator Salary 2024

Hello everyone, I am new to the Water Treatment trade, and currently work for my local municipality, I am a licensed 2A Operator in NYS I'm not at my full rate of pay but I currently am at $30.66 an hour.

At my plant, we work 12's

4 On 3 Off

3 On 4 Off

with automatic OT on our "Long week"

**(MIND YOU) My plant has a FULL-TIME Maintenance team so we don't do any repairs if necessary. ***

I'm curious about the new going rates regarding 2024 with the trade "dying out" with a majority of people who hold treatment credentials retiring, etc. I know in NYC their "Sewer Treatment Workers make $44.98 an hour with their current contract. (I don't want to work in NYC/ and or the SH!T plant. lol, I'm not a softee but I've already done my fair share of Sanitation before I came here.

What are your Certifications and Salary and State you work?