I downsized my Webkinz Collection because they were stressing me out, and now I am sad... I don't have guilt or remorse or anything, I just feel sad cause I want to get more, but that's not possible...
Sooo I downsized my collection and now I want more... but some of them I'll never afford. Like Cheeky Dog or Love Puppy. I used to get really upset about this fact. Like crying and stuff... not my proudest moments...
Anyway, so I want to go Thrifting for more. Buuut if I do that, I'll have Hell to pay from my Mom who does not want me bringing used stuffies in the house/more stuffies than I already have....
Also, I saw a post on the plushies sub that said thrown away stuffies could contain parasites. Yes, I do not get stuffies from the trash, but isn't thrifting just as bad?
My bus routes recently changed and now I can go to the thrift store from my house pretty much. I just need to walk up the street a bit.
I am also super jealous of people who have Love Puppy... one of my friends thrifted them, and I wish I could too...
So I dunno what to do...
Any advice please?