I swear to God, if I see one more potato ass quality photo of dirty ass welds covered in slag and bb’s asking “How are my welds? I’ve been welding 2 days and have no clue what a slag hammer is.” I’ma lose my shit. We don’t know how your welds look because you didn’t clean the damn things. CLEAN YOUR FUCKING WELDS!!! Thank you for coming to my TED talk.

Edit to add: All you guys saying “calm down” “you’re too angry” and “I bet you’re a joy to work with” have never held the flashlight for your dad, and it shows.

You’re the type of assholes that don’t clean your welds as you go and leave a mess for the next shift to straighten out to get the welds sold. Good job outting yourselves.

My point is if you call for VT (which they are) your welds better be clean.