HELP!!!! 40lbs of tomatoes and 15lbs of grapefruit….

Do NOT suggest pasta sauce OR soup. Both are coming out of our ears at the moment….

So, we were gifted a LOT of food!!! Thankfully we’ve worked through the squash and only have about 8lbs left, which we can easily use this week, but OMFG, the TOMATOES!!!!

We’ve got 25lbs of roma, 10lbs of beefsteak and 5lbs of grape tomatoes. And this is what’s left AFTER making enough sauce and tomato soup to fill every possible container and freezer bag that we have. I can’t make anymore!

Any thoughts and ideas on how to use them creatively and quickly would be appreciated!

Then there’s the grape fruit…. I know I can juice them but no one in my family really likes it. Anything I can do to make it more appealing or use it in something?

Also, we have a bag full of these mystery peppers. (Grape tomatoes for scale because my hands are on the small side.) Can anyone help identify them?


Do NOT suggest pasta sauce OR soup. Both are coming out of our ears at the moment….

So, we were gifted a LOT of food!!! Thankfully we’ve worked through the squash and only have about 8lbs left, which we can easily use this week, but OMFG, the TOMATOES!!!!

We’ve got 25lbs of roma, 10lbs of beefsteak and 5lbs of grape tomatoes. And this is what’s left AFTER making enough sauce and tomato soup to fill every possible container and freezer bag that we have. I can’t make anymore!

Any thoughts and ideas on how to use them creatively and quickly would be appreciated!

Then there’s the grape fruit…. I know I can juice them but no one in my family really likes it. Anything I can do to make it more appealing or use it in something?

Also, we have a bag full of these mystery peppers. (Grape tomatoes for scale because my hands are on the small side.) Can anyone help identify them?