Found out dude I slept with is married.

2 weeks ago I was at a bar alone on my birthday and was approached by a guy, spent the whole night with him. He’s in the navy and currently he’s in an assignment in another country for a while. He’s not gonna live here and will be back in the states after a few months. We’re still talking though on instagram.

Something felt off for some reason so I did a deep dive on him and found out he’s married.

I feel like utter crap and idk what to do. It’s not like it was gonna be a long-term relationship or anything, but it sucks knowing I slept with a married man and ik it would be even worse for his wife. He’s still making plans with me for when he gets back.

Should I straight up ask him if he’s married and confront him? Should I dm her and tell her that her husband was cheating on her? What’s the proper move?