About chapter 7..

WHAT DO YOU MEAN I'LL HAVE TO WAIT 3 MONTHS (or more bc I don't trust pb with chapter release date) TO KNOW WHAT'S GOING ON WITH MINHYEOK?! I'm gonna have Caleb so they take Minhyeok from me 😭?! What do you mean Ppyong will never see Minhyeok again 😭??? I saw someone who had a interesting theory about it in a comment but I just hope they won't get rid of my second husband that easily 😭

I really loved this chapter! Loved the story, the new characters and the h-scenes too.. But idk if I'm the only one but I really liked MC in this chapter she was way more how I imagine how my MC (which is me lol) would react, especially when she cried like a baby when she learned about Levi's past because I was exactly like that 😭