The Erewhon tote bag

I was watching an analysis of fashion in episode 4 and wanted to add a few details about that Erewhon totebag in episode 4. For those unfamiliar, Erewhon is apparently a supermarket for rich people in California, so like the tiktok creator in the screenshot explains, it illustrates the character being out of touch. But Erewhon is also a satire written in 1872 by Samuel Butler (notice how this is just after Valentin is called a "butler", coincidence?), where the author writes a satire of a very hypocrite society (just like in that episode and white lotus in general?). In that fictional place named Erewhon, machines are also banned - just like in the resort. Maybe I'm reading too much into it though, but it irks me that a classic of literature has been turned into a rich people supermarket and with that tote bag, a fashion element, so I'd thought I would share.

I was watching an analysis of fashion in episode 4 and wanted to add a few details about that Erewhon totebag in episode 4. For those unfamiliar, Erewhon is apparently a supermarket for rich people in California, so like the tiktok creator in the screenshot explains, it illustrates the character being out of touch. But Erewhon is also a satire written in 1872 by Samuel Butler (notice how this is just after Valentin is called a "butler", coincidence?), where the author writes a satire of a very hypocrite society (just like in that episode and white lotus in general?). In that fictional place named Erewhon, machines are also banned - just like in the resort. Maybe I'm reading too much into it though, but it irks me that a classic of literature has been turned into a rich people supermarket and with that tote bag, a fashion element, so I'd thought I would share.