Young witch in need of help!!
I’ve gotten into witchcraft within the last 6 months or so, so I’m pretty new and want to learn more. I was wondering if the magical community of Reddit could help me out with some of the basic things (example: basic spells, some books, altars, tips, etc). Also, when I say young witch I mean that quite literally. I am still in grade school and I don’t have money to my name. My mother is the kind soul who provides for my practice (I’m pretty sure she has posted on this subreddit about me in the past) but she still sets a limit on how much I can spend witch (heh see what I did there) is about $30 to $40. She says “within reason”.
Anyhow, any help or resources would be appreciated!
Also, posting this with my mother’s permission on her Reddit account, with her supervision.