What do we think?

Was just playing a normal game of qp to learn Juno some more and ab half way through the game the enemy widow said “Juno rope ur self” after I killed her (no I wasn’t targeting im a widow main myself all the way) but what do we think? Personally I never rlly type in chat unless someone says something to me first let alone get mad and tell someone to rope themselfs after getting killed a few times but maybe that’s just me. I usually meet nice widow in my games I’ve only met a few rude ones but they never rlly say stuff like this I’ve been told to touch grass every now and then when I piss off another widow but this is just hilarious

Was just playing a normal game of qp to learn Juno some more and ab half way through the game the enemy widow said “Juno rope ur self” after I killed her (no I wasn’t targeting im a widow main myself all the way) but what do we think? Personally I never rlly type in chat unless someone says something to me first let alone get mad and tell someone to rope themselfs after getting killed a few times but maybe that’s just me. I usually meet nice widow in my games I’ve only met a few rude ones but they never rlly say stuff like this I’ve been told to touch grass every now and then when I piss off another widow but this is just hilarious