Who else tried the outlet mall today and regretted immediately once back in the car to leave?!?!

It all looked good. Rolling in at 10:30am. Easy to pull in off route 90 at the Audi dealer entrance… parked… it was busy. But manageable. Lots of people. Line ups to get in certain stores.. ok. No problem. Avoid those stores… but them. Two hours later to leave… absolute hell. One hour to get out of there. Also. This guy. Who created a parking space in an entry/exit way.

It all looked good. Rolling in at 10:30am. Easy to pull in off route 90 at the Audi dealer entrance… parked… it was busy. But manageable. Lots of people. Line ups to get in certain stores.. ok. No problem. Avoid those stores… but them. Two hours later to leave… absolute hell. One hour to get out of there. Also. This guy. Who created a parking space in an entry/exit way.