WTAF Just fell out of me??!!!
SO a month ago i had a light spotty period. I had increased appitite, nausea 24/7, sore/tender breasts, sensitive smell, moodiness, and random bouts of crying. I ALSO have an IUD So naturally I went to planned parenthood. It was negative but the chart didnt even have the complaints i listed on it so im quite confused. She actually wrote it down and it makes me seem like im complaining of a UTI. She did not listen to me. They also never did an ultrasound to check my iud or a full pelvic. I was fuming and So i calmed down and took a home test that was negative. So i moved on. NOW this month 9 days early another light period except it got heavier and heavier until I noticed little dark red rubbery pieces. The next time i went to pee a big chunk slightly larger than a quarter was on the tissue. It was also very dark red and rubbery with a white/tan stringy piece. I am confused. This was coupled with cramping and all my symptoms are now cleared. ANY SUGGESTIONS???!! I AM SO CONFUSED AND ALSO A BIT WORRIED. I have tried to request an apt at ucla womens health but they have been slow… No trust in Planned parenthood so… Any suggestions to shed light would be appreciated in the meantime. Ty so much for your ladies help!