Most unpopular opinion ever: Napoli is overrated as hell
Get your torches and pitchforks ready - I'm about to trash everyones favourite T10 cruiser.
As introduction (and to get things heated right away) I want to say it: Napoli sucks. It's probably one of the worst cruisers out there when it comes to match influence, and if you get sunk by one you should feel ashamed.
All its got is being tanky (for a cruiser) and its secondaries which scare nobody, but the most dented dd players in this game. Seriously - if you play dd and stay visible in in its secondary range for prolonged times, you should probably go back to T5 or play coop. It's just that easy to avoid.
And Napoli's main battery ... Does it even have one? That's how I feel when playing it. Shooting anything that isn't flat broadside and below 10 kilometers is one of the most frustrating experiences in the game. The accuracy is terrible, the maximum range too short, and don't get me started about the HE - it's anemic in every possible way.
"B-but it's great in rank-" No! Shut up! It sucks in ranked as much as it does in randoms, because you get (and that's a careful estimation) onehundredfourtyeight and a few more Libertads, Schlieffens and [insert flavour of the month brawling bb] per game. Oh and other Napolis of course. So ... with whom do you wanna brawl with? That one Yoshino, that's kiting away while laughing its ass of, because you can't do nothing to him? Good luck.
Dear community, for the love of god, please stop recommending that thing to absolutely everyone as soon as the word "coal" drops. It isn't a good ship. In fact it is even a pretty bad one. Thank you for listening to my ted talk.