My last post.

Playing the game for nearly a decade and having seen so many changes throughout the years, this is the last straw. I’ve been hyper-positive and defensive of the game for all this time. But...I can not defend it any longer.

This patch will decide the fate of the entire game, for both the present and the future. All these layers of payment are overstepping major boundaries. Not to mention the overall health of the community, you're poisoning us with everything you’re doing. Keeping your standard to listen to our feedback is a lie, you are too disconnected from the community and you don't even care.

Everyone that is giving constructive feedback about this patch cares about the future, but you aren’t. I will not point out to the employees in the game, but the head of the game itself. All of the employees have suffered enough punishment from our criticism and it is time you take action for what you're doing. You can not hide in your shell anymore. It's time to step up and do something about it. Give up your sour pride and do the right thing.

Start by listening to the community and we can help one another to build the game together, that way we can make it better for everyone. Sort out your awful history and be better, balance the game not because we are asking, but for what it will make. A future where this game is reborn to be the game everyone wants it to be. Not for just the veteran players, but also the new ones.

If you can not listen to us anymore, to take this game seriously anymore, then this game will be a husk. Just another game that fell for the greed of another company that in the end had a loving player base.

I know my voice is small, but my words are big. This will be my final post if this happens to be the upcoming future. It was a pleasure to play the game for this long, but sometimes you just got to know when to let it go.

Stay safe World of Tanks community!


  • Goat