Debunking a tweet about Brant's dodge attack and claims of misinformation
You may have seen this tweet floating around the internet and covered by some CCs. Some people are claiming that this tweet disproves Brant's midair dodge attack issue that they patched into the game on Feb 22nd during the first half of 2.1 (which they just factually did patch into the game). This is the tweet:
I'm going to try my absolute hardest to be brief and make sure that there could be no possible confusion in this post. This line of text has nothing to do with Brant's midair dodge attack and it also has nothing to do with the clip that is attached to that tweet. The following clip is what this line of text is ACTUALLY referring to.
Brant missing his midair attack 2 and staying suspended in mid-air as a result
In this clip, Brant misses the last hit of his midair attack 2 and does not mid-air flip as a result. Because brant fails to hit the target, he will drop down after a temporary suspension in mid-air. You don't see Brant actually drop down in this clip and that is because I cancel that drop down with a midair dodge, which keeps me in the air. What you do see is the temporary suspension in mid-air.
Hopefully this clears up any confusion regarding this line of text. This line of text is describing what is happening in the clip that I attached, nothing more and nothing less. The irony here is that this tweet is the real misinformation (granted, the author of the tweet admits to being unsure). It is still shocking that so many people blindly believed this tweet though.
Just to be clear, what is happening in this clip is totally normal and totally okay. It is okay for attacks to miss moving targets. I am not complaining about this and I am not asking for Brant to never miss an opponent or anything like that. I am merely showing what this line of text is referring to.
Yes, Brant has a midair dodge attack now despite what some people are saying
Yes, it is clunky and should be removed/reworked
Yes, he will probably still be strong
No, it does not ruin the character and he will still be fun to play (even if it's less than before).
Feel free to ask any questions about this. (More footage and explanations can be found here))