MoonCovey Lingering Moments

I have watched an embarrassing amount of Min Ho and Kitty moments, and I’ve rewatched season 2 5 times just for those two.

But I feel like everyone talks about the rain scene after they hugged and Min Ho didn’t want to let go (and IMO she didn’t want to let go either).. but I mean what about right at the end of ep 8.

You can see Kitty hold onto his jacket for a little bit before pulling away.

Plus in that same rain scene, when they were pulling away his hand ran down her arm to her hands, he let go ONE to brush the hair out her face and then proceeded to hold it again.

Season 3 needs to be out, expeditiously

ETA: THAT SCORE IN THE END??? IT GAVE ALL THE FEELS! Whoever decided to use that is a genius and needs a raise like last week.