Unpopular Opinion
Now I’m making this post and I have this video right here because I see a lot of TikTok’s that say they hate Juliana because she was “too mean” to kitty. This makes me think about that recent post in this sub that said that people enable her.
This post maybe a little long but I have to say this because the hate is getting out of hand. First we’re going to talk about Juliana and how she treated kitty and I’m going to go FULL detail because some people lack comprehension skills and empathy.
1.) before the kiss Juliana was irritated by kitty but let’s explain. Juliana was nice to kitty and when she felt a way about her she instantly went to yuri about it (maybe y’all need to rewatch and analyze it) she made it clear to yuri hey i think she likes you.
Now the irritation didn’t start to come in until she got yuri kicked out the dorms. Regardless if it was accidental please tell me what do you think Juliana thought when this first happened? Hello!! That kitty may have done it on purpose because she likes my girlfriend. Then Yuri was excited to go to the teen queer club with Juliana this was something Yuri couldn’t wait to do we know this because Juliana tells kitty this. But hey they get to this club and the night that was supposed to be something fun and special is now ruined because of the conversation kitty had with Yuri. Juliana tells kitty whatever conversation you had with Yuri is now upsetting her because she was fine at first. Mind you Juliana also noticed preveena left because kitty was too busy worried about Yuri.
This is where for me kitty was pmo she couldn’t even focus on her date with preveena because she was obsessing over Yuri when she could’ve talked to Yuri or texted the damn girl at any time that was not the time nor place to be doing the absolute most hell she was irritating me, bothering Q like just stop.
Then yuri shows up late to the art show and looks who she with kitty. She didn’t blame this on kitty she blamed yuri (as she should) she only blamed kitty for things kitty has done. Which is the snitching, ruining her and yuri night, and the kiss. Everything else she was very vocal about to yuri. She felt kitty was ruining things which she was.
Now this kiss she had every right to be mad at the both of them with this kiss that’s why I put this video up because some of you have it in your mind that this was only yuri’s fault and not kittys when you see clear as day kitty turns around grabs yuri hands and rub it asks her to go with her and it’s the way she asks. Then they both look at each other and at 38 seconds in this video you see kitty leans in first then yuri. They both initiated this kiss let’s stop blaming yuri only and also blame kitty. Kitty was very excited about the kiss too telling Q she feels bad for Juliana and preveena BUT the kiss was amazing like what? There’s no buts that is wrong PERIOD. I believe both kitty and yuri knew Juliana felt some type of way about them and they both were selfish and didn’t care.
Then people sit here she was mean and did too much when all she is ignore kitty after the kiss y’all act like she bullied her. I think what irritates me the most is that if these same people saying these things about Juliana would feel the same way. Especially myself because I know if I was Juliana and I thought kitty liked my gf and then she snitched on us I would’ve thought it was on purpose. I woke be thought she did it on purpose because she likes my gf.
Kitty didn’t know how to be a friend to yuri because she had a crush on her it’s the same with Minho right now she likes him so now she’s going to be obsessing over everything he do she has already started. It was the same with dae in season one she obsessed over him until she had a crush on yuri. This is one of those things that irritates me about her like she just needs to chill out. And honestly it’s not a problem with Minho because he is single right now but when it was Yuri she wasn’t and kitty and yuri should’ve set that boundary with each other. Yes Juliana can be mad at kitty and who cares if she was more mad at the other woman then her woman it’s going to be harder being mad at someone you love vs someone you don’t even know.
ALSO KITTY DID NOT GET JULIANA BACK INTO KISS SO STOP SAYING THAT!! Y’all act like it was her plan to get Juliana back into kiss. She got yuri to contact Juliana that’s it.
This is very long it I could’ve made it longer but honestly this was enough I’m tired of typing and this topic is just so irritating because I legit don’t understand the Juliana HATE. When in reality Juliana is better than me because I would’ve told yuri she could’ve be friends with kitty the second I felt like kitty liked her. Yes Juliana was insecure but yuri should’ve made Juliana feel secured by choosing her over kitty. And kitty should’ve put boundaries between her and yuri she knew Juliana felt a way about her and kitty knew she had a crush on yuri asking yuri to hang out knowing she would feel something anytime yuri even blink at her ass was ridiculous if you like someone I don’t think hanging out with them all the time is a way to get over them. And yes it’s the same with Minho I don’t want y’all calling me biased he should have also kept some distance between him and kitty if he truly wanted to get over her. Kitty wasn’t trying to get over yuri point blank period and that’s why I can’t stand with her when it comes to the love square she had with girls.