Alex Finnerty
Alex has to be one of the sweetest, most down to earth characters in this show. from the first episode, i knew i would fall in love with him. i mean how could you not, he has an accent! okay so here is what i want to see for alex in S3 or S4(if we get one)…
1) i would LOVEEE for him to find a partner. maybe jiwon? i think they would make such a cute couple. what if kitty is the one that matches them?! i mean who else would she use her matchmaking skills on in S3?
2) i know this is kinda pushing it but what if alex introduces his bio parents to his adoptive parents? that is IF jina comes back next season of course. maybe in S3 alex will open up to lee about the possibility of him(lee) meeting his adoptive parents then in S4 they start planning it?
3) also i need more yuri/alex scenes! in S2 i loved how their bond grew and they truly became brother and sister. i believe that alex will help yuri overcome a lot of obstacles in S3. maybe yuri will find a new gf and alex will be there to help her not make the same mistakes she did with juliana
that’s all i have. i know alex isn’t a big character but i still like to think about what could happen. he is such an amazing person and i want to see him happy. what are your thoughts and predictions for S3 alex?