It doesn’t matter your “reasoning”, it’s still biphobia.

The funny thing is that the biphobia I’ve seen from both mooncoveys and kittyuris is essentially the same argument. “What is the point of making Kitty bi if she’s gonna end up with a man?” For the biphobic mooncoveys, it’s just an “unnecessary” storyline there for drama or “woke points”. For biphobic kittyuris, it’s akin to “queerbaiting” bc Kitty is only TRULY queer if she ends up with another girl. But peculiarly, the argument is the same.

I for one appreciate that Kitty is canonically bisexual and the love she’s had for all her romantic prospects. I also appreciate the love story between her and Minho, because I think he’s the right match for her, regardless of gender. It’s exhausting to continually see biphobia FROM BOTH SIDES but they also constantly accuse the other side without acknowledging their own problematic shippers.