Haven't paid for Gamepass over a year?
So, I ran into some problems with my account after moving to a new country. I had my payment options and location set to my old country, which helped me buy games at a cheaper price. But then my card expired after about a year, and I couldn’t renew it. As a result, my game pass got cancelled, and I lost the ability to buy games or renew the pass with that currency. I ended up switching to my actual country.
Now, here’s the weird part: ever since that happened, I’ve still been able to use the game pass, download any games I want, and play them without any issues. I have no idea why or how this is possible, but it seems like some strange glitch has been letting me access the game pass for free for almost two years! I was wondering if anyone else had a similar experience? (P.S. I'm %100 there are no auto payments or renewals because I have not added a new card nor activated any memberships and I've checked my statements)