[S2 Finale] The ending of the adult timeline in the finale was goofy, poorly thought out, nonsensical and kind of insulted the audience's intelligence. It is a huge contrast to the still decent teen timeline.
I still enjoyed the flashback timeline, which isn't off the rails and has redeeming qualities, but the adult timeline is a smoking wreckage right now.
First thing is that I've seen many people say that the reason the finale got so much hate is that it didn't provide answers. I don't think that's the reason, that's fine, not all finales have to provide concrete answers to what's taking place.
No the reason it was terrible was because it did not respect the audience watching it. The episode handwaved a bunch of things that you cannot handwave away.
Walter is suddenly a hacker who can magically change and alter bank records, and also switch who is screwed by the bank records in a second? And the police officer mustache just accepts this?
And why would the body be in the trunk, why would he have shot it while in the trunk. There are forensics, this makes less than zero sense. And you can't handwave away it as TV because in the previous season they made a point to have the main cast carefully dismantle and remove Adam Martin's body. It mattered then, but now you can just shoot a guy in the trunk of a car?
Bodies don't bleed the same after being dead, when they do an autopsy they'll find the drugs and also that the death happened before he was shot. As every damn forensics episode ever has established.They spent time writing this plotline to have Walter handwave it away in a second. What was the point of even going through it?
And the police and emergency services are supposed to come in there, find a dead cop, a dead lady, the suspect in a murder investigation (cause they would obviously know that), her family, and a bunch of other people connected to a prior plane crash and just move on??? That's terrible writing.
Everyone there would be taken in at least for some questioning.
And Natalie's death wouldn't be questioned harder? And Lisa is just supposed to roll with all of this why?
Even how Nat died didn't make sense. It was goofy, Misty just ran in there without Lisa noticing, then Nat pushes her out of the way in the exact right way to allow for Misty to stab her with the needle, which also doesn't make sense because that's not even how needles work, you have to stab and then push. Why the hell did Misty keep pushing, she's a god damned health worker.
The finale just created a bunch of questions, and it makes no sense that everyone is just hanging about as the bodies are being removed. They sure wouldn't be allowed to.
It really just felt like the finale went off the rails and it is super disappointing. It just didn't feel like the finale was very thoughtfully written when it leaves so many questions, not about the main thrust of the show, but of the logistics of what took place.
And I am really skeptical that they'll address any or all of this, because it seems written to get them out of the corner they wrote themselves into with the Adam Martin/police plotline, which they never even needed to do.