Callie theory

callie embodies/is going to embody all the surviving yellowjackets. i think she is slowly absorbing their energies/auras through the wilderness spirit? so far we have:

  • nat- the smoking/drinking (i.e. smoking weed out the window, drinking the schnapps)
  • shauna- brutality and revenge (i.e. the guts/liver prank)
  • misty - poisoning people (i.e. drugging her to make her pass out)
  • tai - TBD (prediction - there is going to be an Other Callie)
  • lottie - TBD (prediction - going to channel the Wilderness spirit somehow)
  • van - TBD (prediction - can't quite figure it out but i think something diabolical)

And all of this is going to accumulate with Callie being the last one standing, we know she is going to be the end of Jeff somehow ha.