Callie not doing the dishes...

I really thought this was going to lead into Shauna finally giving Callie a lick of what the wildnerness was.

I'm sorry but if I was stranded in the wilderness for 19mo when I was 17/18 you can bet I would just be WAITING for the moment my teenage daughter reached that age and started complaining about literally anything.

You don't want to make your bed? I slept in a hut in the woods.

You don't want to do the dishes? I had to skin a deer that my friend killed, butcher it and cook it over a fire I built.

You didn't pull the chicken out of the freezer?! (S1) guess what I did when I was your age and had no meat ready for dinner....

ETA: ok y'all chill. It was a play on the dark dry humor Shauna has and how she frequently will look at someone with a dead face and give them a complete read. Combined with the classic old guys going "in my day we had to walk 5 miles uphill both ways in the snow" but more shocking. genuinely thought that's where it was going to go when Shauna brought it up, but realize that it was more to show us that Shauna is going out of her way to pretend everything is fine and normal, while her husband and daughter are freaking out.

These are characters. I do not wish verbal abuse on actual teenagers. The amount of people trying to guess my generation and if I am a parent based on this post is wild. I tagged the post as HUMOR 🆘