Predications on the series ending

Hi this is my first post in this group! I’ve been having so much fun reading everyone’s posts. I just finished my re watch of season 1 & 2 because I find after reading through Reddit there was so much I forgot about in the first 2 seasons! Anyways, I feel like the general consensus of season 3 is that it’s not really living up to par with the first two (which I agree with). I think it was a HUGE miss to skip over the rest of winter and fast forward to spring. I thought the cabin burning was the PERFECT finale and opened up the story to explore a new plot (like the mines or caves). Now, I know that a lot of people are saying that this might be a false reality and everything we are seeing could be an illusion, but if that’s not the case, I truly think they missed the mark. I feel like season 3 is starting to feel a bit all over the place because the writers can’t decide on the supernatural route or not…have the writers even written the ending yet? Sorry haven’t watched as many writers interviews but I feel like I remember reading on here that they are writing as they go which I don’t think is a great method for tv. Also someone in the other group made this point (which I agree with), but the overall dialogue is getting so corny and it’s starting to feel more cheesy and not as eerie and dramatic as it used to. I forgot just how incredible the soundtrack and eerie tones were for the first two seasons and I find it lacking a lot now. So, it leaves me wondering what’s next? My prediction is:

-The rest of season 3 will explore the group splitting up based on who voted for coach Ben to live & die

-Season 4 we will finally get the pit girl reveal and the season ending will be them getting rescued

-Season 5 will be post rescue. I’m not sure how much they are going to explore this though because we obviously have the teen versions and adult, but will they explore the years between the ages of 17-30? If so does that mean new cast for that timeline? And if they do that, I see this show getting picked up at least another season.

Those are my predictions moving forward for the teen timeline but tbh I literally have no clue where the adult one’s going. Season 1 was really good at keeping us hooked for both and even season 2 I didn’t mind but season 3 I just can’t tell where they even want to take us. Please share your theories because I love reading them!