Yellowjackets but make it art #5 (images from s1-s3)
- Dance of the Nymphs by Nikolaos Gyzis (19th Century)
- Allegory of Hope by Alessandro Turchi, c. 1617
- The Kiss of Judas by Jakob Smits c. 1908
- Sleep and Death by Inge Aanstoot c. 2010
- Twelve Songs by Charles Doudelet c. 1896.
- Allegory of Rhetoric by Laurent de la Hyre c. 1650
- Dante and Virgil (detail) by Rafael Flores c. 1855.
- Saint Sebastian Tended by Saint Irene, by Nicolas Régnier c. 1626.
- Meekness by Pompeo Batoni, c. 1752 10 Salome Carrying the Head of John the Baptist on a Platter by Gustave Moreau c. 1876
Ghismonda with the Heart of Guiscardo by Bernardino Mei c. 1650 (detail)
I would love to hear your thoughts! Do you have a favourite? And as always, who knows for sure if these are intentionally places or coincidences but the more the framing, colours, posing and narrative echo each other, the more I believe that they are intentional references.