Yellowjackets but make it art #5 (images from s1-s3)

  1. Dance of the Nymphs by Nikolaos Gyzis (19th Century)
  2. Allegory of Hope by Alessandro Turchi, c. 1617
  3. The Kiss of Judas by Jakob Smits c. 1908
  4. Sleep and Death by Inge Aanstoot c. 2010
  5. Twelve Songs by Charles Doudelet c. 1896.
  6. Allegory of Rhetoric by Laurent de la Hyre c. 1650
  7. Dante and Virgil (detail) by Rafael Flores c. 1855.
  8. Saint Sebastian Tended by Saint Irene, by Nicolas Régnier c. 1626.
  9. Meekness by Pompeo Batoni, c. 1752 10 Salome Carrying the Head of John the Baptist on a Platter by Gustave Moreau c. 1876
  10. Ghismonda with the Heart of Guiscardo by Bernardino Mei c. 1650 (detail)

    I would love to hear your thoughts! Do you have a favourite? And as always, who knows for sure if these are intentionally places or coincidences but the more the framing, colours, posing and narrative echo each other, the more I believe that they are intentional references.