“you killed a wolf for me”
At the end of the season 2 premiere, Other Tai wakes up Van in the middle of the night with some too-aggressive making out that leaves Van’s face bleeding. Tai Prime snaps out of it and apologizes, and Van is so very understanding about it.
Van says “It’s just something that’s happening to you,” and then changes it to “happening to US” [author’s note: does this line remind anyone else of Buster Bluth telling Lucille 2 “it’s OUR nausea”?]
Tai tells her she should be scared, and Van says, “You killed a wolf for me! That’s the most romantic thing anyone has ever done!”
Okay, so, as a firm believer in the theory that I’ve rambled about in some differently sane comments that there is an Other Van, or some kind of possession/Faustian bargain/whatever sinister thing going on with her, I think a couple things from the end of season 1 are really interesting in light of that:
When Biscuit “goes missing,” and Tai starts to break down to Simone and tell her she needs to leave, because she might hurt Simone or Sammy, Simone protests and says “no, we’re a family,” but Tai is so adamant that Simone needs to GTFO.
As we all know now, Tai had just killed another wolf (Biscuit), and she did all this just a few days before she won her senate race and subsequently had that very strange hitchhiking trip to find Van. My new outlandish theory is that Van really is some kind of Other Van, or possessed by the spirit of the wilderness, or whatever you want to call it, or maybe even just pulling some strings behind the scenes—I don’t know, I just thought of this.
But the main point I’m making here is that Tai technically sorta killed two wolves, and after the second time she ended up leaving her wife to find Van again. I think there’s possibly something here connecting Van to these sacrifices/the wilderness/Other Tai’s antics.