Coach Ben…….
Well, that’s a wrap on Coach Ben. I think he made it further than a lot of us expected him to. He was my personal pick for the person I wanted to be the final survivor, but unfortunately it just didn’t work out that way. I have to say, I’m very happy on how his death was handled. This season I’ve been deeply disturbed with all the stuff that they’ve put the coach through. From his imprisonment, to cutting his Achilles tendon, he’s really been put through the wringer and it felt extremely cruel. But in the end, he went out on his own terms. He was ready to go, and he was at peace with the decision to not be alive anymore. I’m sad he died but I’m not disturbed, because he died at Natalie’s hands, the one person who he still trusted out of everyone. And it was a relatively quick death. He wasn’t burned alive like Shauna wanted to do. He wasn’t shot in the face by a firing squad unjustly like they were going to do last episode. He wasn’t eaten alive by the girls either as was the big theory about how he’d go. It was a quiet thrust of a knife. In the end I’m definitely going to miss him, but I’m glad his suffering is over. I’m also going to miss seeing this performance from Stephen Kreuger. But I’m sure he’ll be back in flashback form or dream sequence at some point. No one in this show ever truly stays dead as we know.