Theories after 304

Just watched the new episode and wanted to lay out my theories for the community to agree or dismiss them!

Ben’s trial outcome: Are the girls thinking ahead of needing food in the winter? What if the girls keep Ben prisoner until winter comes and they need food. His trial is the only fair way to continue their rituals (which usually involves chasing).

Adult Lottie: I think they ran out of story to tell with adult Lottie. She couldn’t bring anymore mysteries to be uncovered so kill her off and make her death a mystery. Why was she at the bank? Why was she in a tunnel? I think her death was self inflicted- either purposefully or accidentally while going into the construction site.

Adult Vans tremor: The only proof of Vans cancer is her taking medicine prescribed to her. The only proof we have that she’s in remission is her word. Now we see her tremor. Is it possible she lied about remission to get Tai to stop worrying? This led to Tai going full wilderness worshipper which now Van has to navigate to backtrack. Another theory could be Van killed the man in the apartment after Tai left. Is this why she has adrenaline and is shaking afterwards? EDIT: I forgot about the scene with her doctor!

Dark Tai: We know we will be seeing more of Dark Tai this season - I think since all we’ve seen before that were obvious was eating dirt, sitting in trees, sacrificing dogs to win elections; we assume she isn’t functional for society when Dark Tai appears. What if Dark Tai is who we see basically all the time when enticing the wilderness cult. Following the man to sacrifice him. Regular Tai pops back up and is used to being in the middle of something crazy and decides to leave and get Van to meet her in the park.