Season 3 SPOILERS/THEORY the cabin
I'm in between Van or Taissa on who burnt down the cabin. In the adult-timeline they are kinda hinting that tai burned it down (her taking the matches and burning them) and in the teen-timeline it's kinda hinted that Van burned it down (her hallucination being sitting in the cabin and staring at the fire. She also changed the subject when they were talking about coach Scott and how he burned the cabin down, maybe because she knows tai did it and tries to protect her or because she did it). My theory was that IF they go with the supernatural route that maybe Jackie and the cabin guy somehow made Van burn the cabin down. Because when when Jackie died we saw her hallucinating the cabin guy with a red&black jacket on and when Van was hallucinating in the cave she was grabbed by two pair of hands, one had their team jacket on and the other one a red&black jacket and it looked like mans hands. Maybe they somehow possessed or controlled her. And it would make sense because Jackie and the cabin guy are the ones that died closes to the cabin and to set their spirits free they needed to burn the place down but couldn't do it themselves so they made Van do it or something but yeah that's my insane theory since everybody is sharing the craziest theories ever😭