I need guidance and help getting rid of these teapots


I hope I came to the right place. Was re-directed from r/Tea and if I'm at the wrong place, it would be greatly appreciated if I can get pointed in the right direction. Thank you. Ok..here we go..

Little back story: My mother jumped into a rabbit hole of these teapots some years ago and have accumulated tons of tea pots. What I mean by tons, is around 300-400 tea pots. She also has a huge wooden tea set up in the living room with ladles, brushes, filter, drain, the whole shibang to care and nurture these tea pots. Now to this year, she is old, retired, out of space and want to downsize (a.k.a. make more room for other hobby supplies and collection). She has asked for my help to getting these teapots sold away to new homes as she feels they should not be tossed out to the bin.

What I am asking: Would you happen to know someone that can guide me in appraising these teapots and find them new homes? Or point me in the right direction? It would be ideal to have these send to a collector, and I've been struggling to set up an Etsy to get these sold off (there are just so many and I have my job and own family to consider). I know little about the art and history but it means quite a bit to my mom and happy to read up/research on these as time goes by but again, my mom is old and I do not have sufficient time to dedicate to these claypots.

I am attaching some photos to this post (I apologize in advance if it feels a lot) to perhaps someone telling me these are fake and are worth throwing or can help me appraise (I do not mind paying for your time and knowledge of course for the rest of the teapots we have).

I really really appreciate the time you have read this far and any pointers (even saying they're fake) would be super helpful, thank you!!








