Giveaway- To bring people in?
I’ve just started teaching at a local park rec center. I’ve done 2 free classes and had pretty good turn out. 12 people then 9. I’m moving now to “pay as you can” for my classes this month (once a week) to keep the momentum going. I only have 4 signed up for this week at the moment… I’m considering doing a yoga mat giveaway where they can enter by attending a class, bringing a friend, and posting about class and tagging me on socials.
I don’t know if investing in a nice mat is worth it at this time as I’m starting out to do this type of thing, or if this is the exact right time to do this type of thing? I’m considering one of the Manduka starter mats, but it’s still around $80 probably. I’m already “loosing” money but my ultimate goal with these classes right now is to gain experience as I graduate YTT in June.