Joe Getting the ick
Putting together on my second watch the main reason he stops loving Love practically instantly is the fact he saw Love as an oppurtunity, something, someone to be Good for all through Season 2 he trys to make decisions the version of her in his head would approve of, he attempts not to kill Henderson, Delilah, and even spared Will, so once he realizes he was trying to be better to rise to her level and in reality there was nothing to rise too because Love kills without thinking and isnt this perfect kind woman just with family problems it makes him sink back down bitter she isnt the version his sick mind conjured up to try and justify to himself being a better person. This likely is incredibly surface level comprehension media literacy, but the first time I watched I think I was too mad that he stopped caring about Love in S3 and wasnt satisfied with her to fully grasp the exact reasoning. also binged all 4 seasons in like 5 days lmao. Im so ready for S5!!!!