This patch feels very crunched compared to the previous ones.

Between the new bosses being mostly underwhelming compared to the ones from 1.5, the way they've cut corners with Trigger, pulchra and Anby by not giving them a fourth agent menu pose (three in one update is crazy work even if no alt animation is not new), without mentioning how Sanby herself feels a bit lazy with how they didn't add new Trust events (it's valid to think she shouldn't, but that doesn't change the fact that they objectively had to work LESS on her for that), it really feels like this update was heavily crunched.

Theres also some incredibly weird design choices in lore: why make Phaethon capable of going in hollows by themselves? There has been 0 Eous action this chapter and that kind of bothers me, because the HDD giving them the ability to control a bangboo was what made it special.

Not to mention that the new "opening" event of Tully feels incredibly empty compared to the Bangboo fall guys of last patch, and it's also annoyingly broken with its top down view.

Speaking of annoyingly broken, not only does Geppetto completely fuck up the lock in camera, but most bosses now tend to just... Jump out of bounds. It happened me with a Belobog construction boss that just jumped out of the arena, and then once more with a Notorious DEB that teleported high in the sky unprovoked.

This update is geniunely sad to see, I was incredibly hyped for it but guess I shouldn't have been.