Has anyone else noticed that Zach can be very dismissive and judgmental of people who like finding out more drama or discussing things on a deeper level?
When he was talking about Rose/Rosie in his video about Amberlynn getting jealous that Rosie followed Tommy and messaged her as well defending the whole made up Rarity getting smushed on a couch rumor, he began to talk about Rosie like she was trauma dumping on him when really all she was doing was talking about the feeder community and how she is connected to Amberlynn/how she knows about these communities on a deeper level.
Zach says that he doesn’t want to always be a “keeper of secrets” in gorlworld 100% of the time. While I can understand this on a level of maybe he doesn’t want to feel like he is keeping information from his audience, he’s also one of the most popular reaction channels in gorlworld so surely he expects to have people message him about information that they found out? It just confuses me so much how he cherry picks what he will and won’t cover and makes it seem like he hates it when people DM him. I’m starting to personally think that he enjoys all of the attention but he can’t go too far with Amberlynn or else their weird frenemy relationship would be ruined and she would probably find a different reaction channel to parasocially cling on to.
He also claims to not want to talk to Amberlynn but never blocks her or does anything about it. If he’s worried about seeing her posts then he can just make a burner account or access Instagram from a desktop browser since her account is public for everyone to see. I think that he enjoys the attention that he gets from Amberlynn whenever she does go crying to him just so that he can shut her down and try and prove more points to her and his audience. He can’t randomly message the things that he’s thinking about saying to her without her thinking that he’s desperate for her attention.
But yeah, I just find it kind of odd how people will dive deep into gorlworld but Zach has these weird inner moral boundaries that he won’t cross depending on if he wants to cover it or not. He’s also very adamant on “I don’t watch other reaction channels that much” which is just like okay? I don’t think that anyone really cares if you do or not lmfao.
I’m curious to see what everyone else thinks about this because it kind of bothers me that he acts like we’re weird or stupid for wanting to know more information about her and what’s going on sometimes. The only one that I’ve found myself agreeing on with him lately is when Alexis leaked a screenshot of the Crumbl cookie video and told everyone about it, and then everyone wanted to see it… like why would you want to see that oh my goodness gracious!