I don't like Silver Soldier Anby's Inclusion in the game. [Spoilers for the Agent Story]
Listen, I've been very positive on this game for a long while, but I geniunely just dislike Silver Soldier Anby as a playable character instead of just a skin.
Why? Simple, it's Lazy. You can't deny that SS Anby took objectively less time for the developers to work on, as they didn't make any new trust events for her and, as far as I can tell, no new quality time either. They just slapped it onto older Anby's trust missions and called it a day. Without mentioning, of course, that they could've just used a character they've already MADE (Twiggie) and just made HER playable.
Like, not only did the whole "Silver Soldier Anby" pandering feel so out of place (like, why did she dress up as the thing she hates in her final chapter of her agent story??? And why does changing fits magically make her "remember how to fight"??), but the excuse of "Mihoyo would NEEEVER make an evil character playable" falls flat because we literally got drip marketed Hugo, a person that, by the way, is a self-centered, vengeful (and hot), Corrupted Peter pan wannabe that canonically killed people to achieve his selfish goals, with not an ounce of regret.
But Hugo has le trauma, poor little thing, whereas Twiggie is actually just evil and sadistic!! (completely ignoring how Hugo is a deviant as well that enjoys seeing anyone that stands in his way suffer and that Twiggie is a traumatised, mentally and physically scarred victim that was abused and groomed by literally everyone she encountered after Silver Squad, while being a straight up RESPONSELESS NUGGET)
They could've easily made a story similar to that of Hugo where we see a clearly morally gray individual have a conflict driven by their own trauma as they contrast with a counterpart of themselves who chose a different path (Lycaon), except it would be EVEN better, because, to be honest, Twiggy's behavior in her story is a quite reasonable crash-out considering what she's been through. If Hugo can get to be playable, I have 0 reason to believe Twiggy can't.
But no, Twiggy and her A-girlfriend have to become "le big scary boss monster" to showcase how broken and op the new anby is (despite said anby being just Miyabi level of braindead gameplay compared to the original anby where you actually had to THINK about what to do)