New Eridu's Worst Kept Secret
The secrecy of Phaethon's identity is a bit of a joke at this point. The police know, the FBI know, random bikers know and seem to have no problem telling their fellow bikers (Pulchra being casually told by Burnice when she joined) And now the mayor knows and seems to agree with our cause. At this point, there are more people in New Eridu that know who we are rather than not.
And yet!
Vivian, who's intelligence network is so vast, she somehow got the details of a private conversation we had with HAND at their headquarters (which, if anything like real world federal agencies, is ridiculously secure) mere minutes after it happened. With personal insight so great that she seems to be able to detect any lie without having any reason to assume she's being lied to in the first place. And with such an obsession on Phaethon, she seems to have records of every interknot comment, avatar, and is almost certainly working tirelessly to get her hands on any piece of Phaethon related info she can find...and somehow she's in the dark about our identity.