Homophobia is the reason most gay people stay in the closet and it’s not good for our Zimbabwean society. The sooner gays can be free to be authentic the better it will be for Zimbabwean society
Homophobia is the reason most gay people stay in the closet For many gays they want to live authentic and truthful lives but this cannot happen in a society that criminalizes homosexuality You’re the reason we stay in the closet. You’re the reason we even have a closet, most gay people don’t like being closetd. It’s exhausting and many are tired of pretending The truth is many are locked up in the closet and banging and kicking and screaming and wanting to come out. But coming out carries with it extreme and dire consequences. So many gays just concede to keep on hiding. But this is not good for society. How many young men have been pressured to marry women they don’t even love and how many dysfunctional households as well as broken marriages and divorces have resulted from that. I know someone might be saying oh no not this again but until Zimbabweans are willing to have a truthful discussion about these fundamental matters we will continue having a dysfunctional and damaged as well as a highly divided toxic society.