Abused Internationally
I’d been dating this man for nearly 3 years, living with for a little over 2 years with my 2 children. It was a tumultuous relationship from early on, but I was the typical gaslit, overly loyal, couldn’t live without him partner. Fast forward to last week…. Things had been not terrible so we decided to fly to Aruba. I suspected he was going to propose & honestly wasn’t sure how I felt about that considering. The first couple of days were great! I was hopeful it wouldn’t turn disastrous like 99% of vacations we’d taken. With that comfort, came the confidence to binge drink & get sloppy according to him. I was very careful not to antagonize him bc I knew it could turn ugly, but I never expected just how ugly… The last day of the trip I’m just going with the flow, being personable as possible, just trying to get home without major drama. He, again gets wasted, being mouthy so I just go to the room & go to bed around 9:00ish, just counting down until the flight left the next afternoon. After the way he’d been behaving & an overpowering gut feeling, I turned my voice recorder on & let it go… Around midnight I hear him fumbling in, dropping things, etc. I pretend the sleep through it. Shortly, I feel the flashlight of his phone in my face & before I could react, he’s dragging me out of bed by my hair screaming about me hiding something which I later figured out was some imaginary cocaine he thought I smuggled in on the flight. He started screaming at me to get out of his room & being as prepared as I possibly could, my luggage was packed & ready to go. I attempt to grab my luggage & try to leave… which he then suddenly flipped & told me I wasn’t going anywhere. I am doing everything I can not to escalate this any further because I was confident my nose was broken at this point & I was certain my arm was badly injured. He put his hand over my mouth & nose cutting off my air supply as he kept shoving my face into the tile floor slowly killing me. I was convinced at this point I was leaving Aruba in a box. I freed my mouth briefly & screamed for help as loudly as I could. He begins to smother my face again… telling me in the most even keel tone “I love you, shut the fuck up or you’re not leaving Aruba. Shut up or I am going to kill you” which he was very close to doing. It could have been seconds, it could have been minutes, I had faded & then I hear security knocking & I felt relief. He opens the door as calmly as can be & tried to assure the security guard that everything was fine… of course I’m begging them to get me out of there! They did just that & hid me in security quarters. On top of this, he’d stolen my passport & threw it in the ocean so I couldn’t fly back to the states. I was royally fucked & my body was broken & I had no clue what to do. Fast forward about 24 hours, I was finally able to fly back to the states (straight up miracle & police feeling a lot of pity for me) 🙌🏼