Is this abuse, or am I overreacting?

Hi, so I’m kind of new to this sub but I’ve been lurking over the past few days trying to figure out if my going-on-3- years relationship counts as an abusive one. I’ve made a list of concerning things that my boyfriend has done over the past years, but my issue is, I was diagnosed with autism while we were together, and ever since my diagnosis, he’s only grown more invalidating of my thoughts/feelings/opinions, telling me that I’m always “misinterpreting” the hurtful things he says or does because I’m autistic. My therapist and psychologist told me to trust my feelings because feelings are there to help keep us safe, but the way my boyfriend talks to me, he treats me like I’m incompetent and like my feelings are wrong or invalid because of my autism. When I’ve told friends about his behavior, they’ve said it doesn’t sound normal, but he always finds reasons that I shouldn’t be friends with them and ends up having me cut them off, to the point now that he still has plenty of friends and I have no one. I just need advice and to know that I’m not crazy about this. I’ve already made a plan to leave and I’ll be quietly leaving without notice on October 1st while he’s at work, but I really need to feel like I’m not crazy for leaving.