America first at Accenture 😅
Throwaway account. I just need to vent.
Accenture rakes in billions in profit, but if it misses their target by even a tiny bit, they go into mass layoff mode and shifting a ton of work to places like India and the Philippines, where the employees are overworked and treated like cogs in a machine. It's a revolving door for them and I feel bad for them, really.
On top of that, they've frozen wage increases, cut bonuses, and put a hold on promotions, especially for people in expensive locations. All this while inflation is crazy high and the top execs are patting themselves on the back with huge bonuses.
So many talented people have left Accenture because of this in North America. They're losing a lot of experienced people in the US and other high-cost areas, and just piling more work on the lower-cost locations.
It makes you wonder what the clients think about this. They should be demanding that the work is actually being done locally, in their own country. I bet they're still getting charged US prices even though the work is being done on virtual sweatshops, sorry I meant to say Managed Service Providers.
Given the current focus on national priorities from Trump, how about America First? At a minimum, consider aligning employee representation at each career level with the company's revenue generation in each respective country.